South Coast Youth Symphony Orchestra
2024 - 2025 Season
SCYSO Conductor
Maestro Brittany Martinez is a graduate of Azusa Pacific University where she received her Bachelor of Arts in Music Education in 2013. After her credential program, she moved to Sonora, California to restore music programs at two different schools: Summerville Elementary and Sonora Elementary. Within that first year, the programs quadrupled at each site, and she was nominated Teacher of the Year. As someone who was born and raised in Southern California, she knew she wanted to come back to her community and share her love for music there.
She has been the director of Oaks Middle School since 2015 where she teaches band, orchestra, choir and marching band classes. Since she has been at Oaks Middle School, the music programs have all become much busier as they are not only performing in Ontario, but are also performing in venues and contests all around Southern California. In 2018, she was recognized as Employee of the Year for her school site and asked by the San Bernardino County Elementary Honor Orchestra to be their guest conductor.
She is a member and adjudicator for the Southern California Band and Orchestra Organization in their parade circuit and also serves as the Vice President for Student Academy of Musical Leaders. In 2022, she marched as one of the recognized band directors in the Band Directors Marching Band in the Rose Parade.
Aside from her dedication to music, Ms. Martinez truly loves being a dog mom, going to the beach and having really good food.